Photographs of Pompeii Theatres,
Amphitheatre & Palaestra

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Amphitheatre, Pompeii larger theatre, Pompeii Smaller Palaestra, Pompeii

So far the excavations have uncovered an amphitheatre and two theatres in Pompeii but much of the city remains to be excavated so there may be more. The Amphitheatre would have seated 20,000 and the larger theatre would have seated 5,000. The smaller theatre was covered and would have seated 1500. The large Palaestra near the Amphitheatre is 140m square with a central pool was built to replace the smaller older Samnite Palestra near the two theatres.


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Amphitheatre, Pompeii Larger Palaestra, Pompeii Smaller Palaestra, Pompeii