Photographs of Segedunum

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Model of the fort Reconstructed Roman Bath Communal WC Segedunum from the tower

Segedunum is at the eastern end of Hadrian's Wall (in Wallsend) near the banks of the River Tyne. It was in use as a garrison for approximately 300 years, almost up to 400AD. A wide ditch and an earth embankment surrounded the fort on all sides. Initially it had four double gates with the east, west and north gates opening outside the wall and only the south gate opening within the Wall. The Wall joined to the west wall of the fort just south of the west gate. From the southeast angle of the fort, a 6ft 6in wide wall ran down to the riverbank and extended at least as far as the low water level.
As the picts became more troublesome, an additional west gate seems to have been built inside the wall and the gate outside the wall was blocked up. The site of the fort now contains the excavated remains of the foundation of the southern half of the original fort (the other half is still buried under houses to the north. There is also a reconstructed Roman military bathhouse based on excavated examples at Vindolanda and Chesters forts. A museum contains things found on the site occupies a former Swan Hunter shipyard buildings and a large observation tower overlooks the site. A portion of the original wall is visible across the street from the museum.

Hadrian's Wall
Wallsend to Denton
Denton to Chesters
Chesters to Housesteads
Housesteads to Vindolanda
Vindolanda to Birdoswald
Birdoswald to Carlise
North East England

Painted walls in the tepidarium