Photographs of Ephesus

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The Library The Library

Curetes Street

The Great Theatre

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House of the Virgin Mary and Church of St John

Ephesus was part of the kingdom of Pergamum which Attalus III bequeathed to Rome in 133 BC. Ephesus was the most important Roman city of proconsular Asia. Situated at the mouth of the Cayster River on a gulf of the Aegean sea, it flourished as an important commercial and export centre for Asia. As a strategic coastal gateway to the Eastern World, this Ionian refuge grew to be the second largest city in the Roman Empire and the site of a Christian shrine.
Legend has it that the Virgin Mary, accompanied by St. John, came to Ephesus at the end of her life.

The side entrance to the Council Chamber The Temple of Hadrian

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The Council Chamber The Council Chamber The entrance to the marketplace